Vietnam Spark Timeline Sophia Chiang


French Indochina: grouping of French colonial territories in Southeast Asia. Was what Vietnam was called prior to Vietnam War (1887-1954)
North Vietnam was led by Ho Chi Minh, and leaned towards communism. Was allied with Soviet Union and China (1945-1976). South Vietnam was led by Ngo Dinh Diem, and allied with the United States, since neither party wanted a communist leader for Vietnam.

Geneva Accord: agreement to end First Indochina War. Stated that Vietnam would be temporarily divided along the 17th Parallel until elections could be held to unite the country.

  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Vietnamese Communism revolutionary leader
  • Prime minister (1945-1955)
  • President of North Vietnam (1945-1969)
  • Lifetime (1890-1969)
  • Ngo Dinh Diem
  • South Vietnamese politician
  • Prime Minister of Vietnam (1954-1955)
  • Studied at School of Public Administration and Law
  • Lifetime (1901-1963)
  • Viet cong
  • Also known as National Liberation Front
  • Political organization with own army
  • Allies with North Vietnam, Soviet Union, and China
  • Ideology towards communism
  • Southern Vietnamese who sided with the North


  • Mao Zedong
  • Born to wealthy farmer in Shaoshan hunan
  • Leader of Chinese Communist Party (1935-death)
  • Chairman of People's Republic of China (1949-1959)
  • Lifetime (1893-1976)
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • American politician and army general
  • 34th President of the United States (1953-1961)
  • Headed invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch
  • Lifetime (1890-1969)

Domino Theory Term coined by Eisenhower. Term is a theory that political events in one country will pass to neighboring countries, like dominoes.


  • American Advisors
  • Sent to Vietnam to aid South Vietnam with its military training, organization, and other military tasks


China's involvement in the Vietnam War ranged from 1964-1969. China lent moral, logistic, and military support to North Vietnam.
The United States's involvement in the Vietnam War ranged from 1965-1973. The United States allied with South Vietnam, their primary goal being to stop the spread of communism.
Agent Orange: Weapon used in Vietnam War primarily from 1961-1972. Agent Orange was a powerful mixture of chemical defoliants used by U.S. military forces to eliminate forest cover for the North.

Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964): Incident where US destroyer Maddox exchanged shots with North Vietnamese torpedo boats in Gulf of Tonkin. Increased US involvement in Vietnam War.

Guerilla Warfare: War tactic used during Vietnam War. Technique is based on using element of surprise to eliminate opponent. This means sneaking up on the enemy, attacking them, and leaving before risking getting captured.
Napalm: Mainly used between 1965-1972. Napalm was a mixture of plastic polystyrene, hydrocarbon benzene, and gasoline. Mixture creates a jelly like substance that, when ignited, sticks to nearly anything and burns for up to ten minutes. Napalm was used widely during the Vietnam War.

Ho Chi Minh Trail (1967): used by North Vietnamese as a route for its troops to get into SOuth Vietnam. Trail was also used as a supply route for weapons, food, and equipment. The trail was about 1000 kilometers in length.

  • Lyndon B Johnson
  • Commonly referred to as LBJ
  • 36th President of the United States (1963-1969)
  • Assumed office after serving as John F Kennedy's vice president
  • Lifetime (1908-1973)

Tet Offensive (1968): Was a series of major attacks by communist forces in over 100 cities and towns in SouthVietnam during the Vietnam War. Named the Tet Offensive because it occurred during the time of the lunar new year, also called Tet.


  • Richard Nixon
  • Served as 37th President of the United States from 1969-1974
  • Had served in the U.S.Navy reserve during World War II
  • Lifetime (1913-1994)


Created with images by 193584 - "army men military"

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