Mattress Cleaning Rochester NY Professional mattress steam cleaning and sanitizing service

Why Do I Need Professional Mattress Cleaning?

Over a third of your life is spent in bed. And although people regularly change their bedsheets and mattress pads, they rarely clean their mattress.

At Whole House Carpet Cleaning, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, our outstanding track record and at having highly trained and experienced teams professional mattress cleaners in Rochester. Using the latest cleaning solutions and best cleaning techniques, our professional mattress cleaners ensure that your mattress is restored to its previous state, and it is as clean as can possibly be.

Every night the average person sweats about a 1/2 liter. Along with the sweat, your body sheds thousand of skin cells that are left on your sheets and work their way into the mattress. These provide a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria. Getting your mattress cleaning can eliminate these pests and the problems that they can cause. A good deep clean can also eliminate most stains and odors.

Without regularly scheduled mattress cleaning, over time, sleeping on your mattress can be lead to an accumulation of dust, dirt, pollen, stains and germs.

Don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a new mattress? Then get our mattress professionally cleaned at considerably less cost.

When you hire a professional with the experience and equipment to effectively clean your mattress, not only does it extend use of your mattress, but it keeps your mattress safe and healthy for your family.

Whole House Carpet Cleaning is the highest rated mattress cleaning company in the Greater Rochester NY area, providing quality customer service and regular mattress cleaning, helping you improve your health, and making sure that you get a good night’s sleep. Call us at 585-204-7847 to schedule your mattress cleaning, or any other cleaning you need in your home or office.

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