A Coruna October 2015

Some training in north western Spain brings me to the lovely Galician town of A Coruna

My hotel, named after the local heroine Maria Pita

The sun was out and though I was tired after three flights, I dropped my bags, changed, grabbed my camera and headed out to walk along the sea front...

It was a beautiful walk in the sunshine and the sea was that characteristic deep Mediterranean blue.

Tomorrows agenda will take me to one of the main sights of the town - the Roman lighthouse known as the Tower of Hercules.

On the far end of the sea front is this interesting tower - the Obelisco Millennium.

A few interesting photos along the way back.

As Saturday drew to a close the sun set, lighting up the clouds and then the lights turned on...

Sunday mornings walk is the opposite direction to yesterday and brings me first to the Tower of Hercules which has been in continuous use since around the second century AD.

A couple of nice nature shots and then a portrait of the author as an aspiring photographer!

Walking on brings me to the Castillo de San Antón.

As I walk around the harbour I pass these lovely buildings before heading away from the sea to make my way back towards my hotel.

The first place I find is the Plaza de Maria Pita dedicated to a local lady called Maria Pita, who when the town was being attacked by Sir Francis Drake, grabbed her dead husbands spear and rallied the townsfolk to fight back and was able to repel him!

A few more photos of the plaza and Iglesia de San Jorge.

After the Plaza de Maria Pita I worked my way back across the town to put my feet up for a bit at the hotel before dinner...


All photos by Michael Thomas

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