Germany By: MAdison, TY C, Adrian , Jason

Map of Germany

Product: Love & Shoes LA. Repair, replace and clean your shoe

Economics: The U.S. does have a trade deficit with Germany. The countries largest export to the world is Automobiles. The main exports Germany sends to other countries is machinery, automobiles, chemical goods and metals. Main imports are electric equipment and food.

The capital of the country is Berlin. The 3 largest cities in Germany are Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. They are very advanced in infrastructure, high technology and electricity.

Germany's population is 80.62 million. In Germany the primary language is German and they also somewhat speak English. Major occupations in this country are craftsmen , engineers, and managers. The unemployment rate is 4.2%.

A handshake is traditional to greet a person in Germany especially in business meetings. Friends give each other a hug or a kiss on the cheek.

Mostly Protestant, others may be Catholic or Christian. They do not expect gifts. They do not like surprises nor do they expect compliments in business meetings. They have a day called Day of German Unity. Headquarters: Adidas, Suzuki

This corporation sells products as of shoes and a service to clean and repair the shoes. You could find this corporation in almost any country.


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