Lighting up the Dark My D.T.S with YWAM 2016-17

What have I been up to

D.T.S Discipleship Training School. Going into my 6 month training on how to be the best disciple you can be has been rather interesting , living with 13 other people you can be sure there is never a dull moment.

The two weeks we had with Mr. Geoff Kingsford our first speaker was scary , never has my belief been shaken like that before. The first week we discussed world views , different kinds of world views and how resistant we are to change.

What I had enjoyed most about week one was after all the discussion we got the opportunity to go out into public and experience other peoples world views. The topic we investigated was the topic of homosexuality and as you can imagine the response was quite entertaining.

My second week was more difficult but fulfilling at the same time. We touched on the topics of grace and lordship. The teaching on grace was the part I really enjoyed and then came the lordship, this completely blew my view on how I was suppose to serve God.

Walking hand in hand with lordship comes obedience, now obviously you have to be obedient to God. But if you are as old as I am obedience is not the first thing that springs to mind when you want to serve God. I soon realized that my relationship with God was dependent on me being obedient.

God's presence comes into our life when we obey Him

Next we had some fund raising

Mmm Cupcakes

Some Charity work as well ...

we took one of the local orphanages to see the light show.

Dear friends and family

I hope you have enjoyed seeing what God has done in my life so far. Please keep me in your prayers and if you feel led or willing you can sponsor me financially as well.

Account nr : 4451 4300 3684 2313

Branch code : 632005

Mooi River

for more information contact me at

Or in Facebook @ Tiann Enslin

Created By
Tiann Enslin

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