Caption Writing Project

Darius and Danny were starting to make the tower. To make a Eiffel tower with marshmallows. In Mr. Walters class at Junction City High School. It was March 13th, 2017. Is to try to finish the Eiffel tower with marshmallows.
Johnathan and Darius and Danny were keeping the tower stable. To try make the Eiffel Tower stable. It was in Junction City high school in Mr.Walters class. It was last class March 13th, 2017. Then made sure the tower done.
Jonathan and Gavin and Danny were finishing the Eiffel Tower. Is to try make the Eiffel Tower better looking. Was at Junction city High School in Mr. Walters. It was last class March 13th, 2017. Is to make the tower bigger.
Darius were finishing the Eiffel Tower. To make the Eiffel Tower better. It was at Junction City High School in Mr.Walters class. It was March 13th, 2017 last class on Monday. To finish the Eiffel Tower.

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