Liver Cancer dalia n, selina s

Liver cancer is known as for instance, chronic infection with certain hepatitis virus. Us humans contact liver cancer, we also carry it inside our digestive system.

Liver cancer is a disease in some humans, this type of cancer is not contagious.

Liver cancer was discovered by the Doctor Baruch Blumberg in the early 1960s.

Liver cancer is found in our livers, you can get your liver cancer treated with a surgery to remove the tumor. You can also get a liver transplant surgery. Liver cancer infects the human's digestive system.

Humans cach liver cancer because they have a chronic liver disease. Dogs cach liver cancer by their tissue that lines the cavities and surface of the body structures.

The reason we chose liver cancer is because it in the digestive system. We wanted to know how it was caused, or if i could be passed on.


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