Megan Daniello Digital photography 1 - Period #6

A mysteriously beautiful flower growing between all the leaves, in bitter cold of the last days of fall.
Pretty fall seasons let the bee's come out furthermore. What a warm day! The bee landed just where I wanted. This photo was taken for the composition assignment.
A shoe for all styles and outfits. Personally my favorite. This was taken for the shoe assignment in class.
Sometimes, the happy sun needs to take a rest, and the rain needs to come alive. The railings in the courtyard were soaked, and so was the concrete.
The trees didn't want the leaves anymore when the last days of fall came around.
My artwork that is captured in the lens of a camera consists of nature, beauty, simplicity and complexion. All of this represents the love I have for the beauty of world's nature. Calming, soothing gracefulness is what I typically aim for. For me, this is exceptionally special to me and who I am; it's the only way I can really express it. The photos that I take mean the world to me...when I see the complexion of whatever I am capturing at that moment, it makes me feel happy and it does make beautiful memories.

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