Adversity Over coming a problem

My Dad’s name is Jeramiah Wolf Martin. I know him because, well, he is my Dad. I picked him because I know he had some problems growing up. My Dad was born in a suburb of San Francisco where he was then raised. He lived there for about 16 years. He had two brothers and a sister. Plus his Mom and Dad. He was the oldest. There names were Nathan, Jacob, and his sister’s name I don’t know. My grandpa was a nice guy who had to work a lot. His mom was a different story. She did drugs and invited people over who abused my Dad. Not a very nice person.
My Dad dated and married Bethany Wright, my mom. My parents had three kids. I was first now 13 years old. Then my brother, Truman, who is now 12. Finally my sister, Sophia, at 10 years old.
My Dad is a very lucky person. Since he worked hard he almost got a job at Google. Yet, the job did not pay enough money. So he did not get it. So he know works for another company (which I will not name). Also because of that we go on vacation every year.
A problem that my father had happened when he was young. His mother did lots of drugs. His mom invited people over that abused him. By the way, they also did drugs. His Dad never knew until he was about 11. Eventually they got a divorce in which he lived with his dad. He was about five or six when the abuse from his mom started to abuse him.
He handled it by not doing drugs. His brothers did drugs. He did not do drugs which made him the better man. To be honest he was the only successful person from the three of them. As in his brothers. His mom still drinks and she lives in Texas. My grandpa lives near the drive thru tree.
In the end my Dad came to the way he is today by not doing drugs when they were in his life. Out of his brothers, he was the only successful one. He also had three kids whom did not have to go up in a house with drugs. All because my Dad broke the cycle of drugs in his family.


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