Madame C.J. Walker A Famous women inventor

5 Things about her Life

She was born on December 23, 1867.

She was put into foster care when she was 7 years old.

She got married at the age of 14.

She was widowed with a small child when she was 20 years old.

She died on May 25, 1919 when she was 52 years old day.

This is Madame C.J. Walker

These are her products that she has made to help people with there hair so it would stop falling out and so it would stay more clean for longer.

5 Interesting Facts About Her!

Madam C.J Walker was an inventor, entrepreneur and first female African American millionaire.

Her Family were once slaves.

She had 6 siblings.

Her real name was Sarah Breedlove.

She was born in Delta Louisiana on a cotton plantation.

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