5 Themes of Geography California

Location & Region ↓

California is a very popular state in the United states with a population of 38.8 million and continuing to grow. California is popular with its´ various types of accommodations and features. California´s absolute value is located at 36.7783 degrees N and 119.4179 degrees W. Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Mexico, and parts of the pacific ocean all border California in the northern/western hemisphere. California is located in the southwest region of the United States and is located in the north american continent.

Place ↓

California is the second largest state in the United States, consisting of high income, population, and many physical features. A few of the many physical features include, the Pacific Ocean, Sierra Nevada, Cascade Range, and the Santa Monica Mountains. There are also many landforms in California, some of the major ones are; Death Valley, Lake Tahoe, and San Francisco Bay. The capital of California is Sacramento. The most popular cities in this state are - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego, Palm Springs, Beverly Hills, etc.. The climate around California varies from hot deserted areas to subarctic areas. The climate also is considered mediterranean, this means they have dry and mild summers and rather wet winters. 60.5% people who live around the area speak english, whilst 13.5% speak spanish (The rest speak a different language).

Human-Environment Interaction ↓

The proceeding drought in California, has resulted in destructive ecosystems and human society. Up to date, there has rarely been any precipitation in California, since mid-January in 2014. Due to this drought, the climate has not received as much water as it should and the amount of water sources and becoming less and less as the days go on. On the other hand, there are some positive impacts on human-environment interaction in California. People are very dependent on their cars... When they are all on the freeways it causes exhaust pollution. California depends on their tourism for an income in economy. Los Angeles International Airport has been expanded numerous times to adapt to all the tourists. The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) was created to help the tourists bypass trouble-free. Freeways were expanded as well, both produce pollution.

Movement ↓

Many residents from California, depend on transportation so they can easily get around to places. The three largest ways of transportation are through the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), walking, & by the use of driving vehicles. There are also ways of using transportation through ports. The two most popular airports are in San Diego and Los Angeles - both are international. Some of the major seaports include, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, Long Beach, and many more! Additionally, there are many harbors located on the east coast; mostly in San Francisco and other parts of California. You may be asking yourself how all this movement works and how it is communicated.. Movement is communicated through newspapers, social media, radio, television, and magazines with many different types of topics.

Created By
Grace Heideman


Created with images - "Big Sur, California"

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