Developing Personal and Organisational Resilience. 16th Feburary 2017 Blue Cohort

Six months in to our Darzi Fellowship and in the wake of January Blues, the resilience workshop could not come soon enough. With Spring in the air we welcomed two new faces to the Darzi family, Jane and Jim.

We started the day by sharing examples of resilience, both personal and professional. One moving example was that of Tom Ray, whose personal story of overcoming the life changing consequences of septicaemia was inspiring.

We then moved on to the nitty gritty of what our understanding of resilience was. Suggestions from around the room included:

  • "Looking after number one!"
  • "Being honest with yourself"
  • "Having the tools to get yourself out of the trough"
  • "Self Compassion"

Mapping the Highs and Lows - The next task involved charting our adult lives in terms of positives and negatives to identify to ourselves where we had demonstrated residence. Bounce-back-ability


What gets in the way of self care?

  • "A perceived lack of time"
  • "Martyrdom"
  • "Difficulty discussing mental health"
  • "Societal expectations"
  • "Lack of self worth"

If we don't value ourselves how can we expect others to value us?

If we can't respect ourselves enough to pee, how can we expect others to respect us? When was the last time you pee'd on time?

Resilience can also be about having a productive working environment, so we were given the opportunity to escape the classroom, to practice our active listening skills and the art of powerful questions. we roamed south London in pairs, taking it in turns to talk about an area we felt personal resilience might be useful.

picture thing

Need to maintain a steady foundation so that can deal with the knocks that come your way

Tools to chart stuff - wheel of life, relationship with self and self-worth, areas of life important to you

Self care plan, what commitments will you make to you/your body/your well-being. Consider the balls you juggle. MOT to consider where imbalance lies.

Personal commitments from the group to a self-care/resilience programme.

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