Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH Ramon Colindres

Photo above taken from Google Images:

I felt pure joy being able to explore the Butterfly Rainforest outside. While I was observing, a blue butterfly happened to fly by and land on a nearby leaf, which caught my attention immediately, so I took a picture of that. Witnessing dozens of butterflies interact in this habitat is quite soothing and peaceful, which is likely why it was so appealing to me. I genuinely believe that one can't have the same type of experience looking at it behind a screen instead of seeing it in person. I enjoyed watching them live and fly so freely in the rainforest, which isn't the same when looking at a picture or even a video.

February 18, 2017; Butterfly Rainforest Exhibit

Throughout my time in the Butterfly Rainforest, I believe that I did get to experience nature in ways that Leopold recommends, as he believes in respecting the land. It is implied that we should also respect the animals within the land, by making sure that they are fed properly and taken care of. I was in awe of how beautiful the exhibit was overall. The atmosphere provided a form of serenity that isn't easy to find in normal daily life. If other people took the time to experience nature like this, they would likely feel and think the same way. The Natural History Museum certainly gave us a chance to connect with nature as we got a small taste of it in real life. Although I already enjoy nature, I feel even more inspired to protect nature, which is exactly what Leopold would have wanted.

February 18, 2017; Butterfly Rainforest Exhibit

Visiting the Butterfly Rainforest gave me a great opportunity to step out of my ordinary life. This is because I don't have the chance to experience nature like I did in the museum while I'm in college. There's a lot about nature that the average person probably doesn't get to see everyday. So, being able to observe a little piece of nature's beauty in the museum broadens our mind to some of the other things nature can offer. Nature is an important part of the world, so the ability to appreciate it for its simplistic charm is a necessary virtue.

February 18, 2017; Butterfly Rainforest Exhibit

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