Hike by tensei

  • This is dragons back this image tooken at the highest point of the dragons back to get to this point we need walk about 20 minutes and if we run it will take about 5 minutes.Once you get to the top there is two ways right is to the top and left is to go down.

So my group went to dragons back for our project and we took photos of the view at the highest point and it took us about 1 and a half hours in the short way. If we take the short way it will take us to a road but if we take the long way it would take us to a beach side.

We have found insects and animals on the hike (butterfly and boar). On the way to the hike we can find many plants,trees,animals and insect etc but you shouldn`t touch suspicious being on the way , this is because it can harm us and maybe even death.


Created with images by karendotcom127 - "IMG_0274" • Rick McCharles - "Dragon's Back hike, Hong Kong"

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