Let them grow! Eat ORGANIC

Children need the nutrition to help them develop and grow properly.

Parents need to implement organic foods into their child's diet due to the fatty acids, nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that are in the foods.

Children who are involved in the kitchen will have the tendency to repeat and follow the example of the mother.

Feeding a child the proper nutrition will help the scale and tape measure numbers go up to the age appropriate height and weight.

New borns are weighed monthly and with the proper neutron, the child will develop and grow on schedule.

Organic foods are what every child needs to grow.


Created with images by lindaaslund - "Craving" • tookapic - "child eating messy" • BenSanji - "child banana cute" • PublicDomainPictures - "baby bite boy" • CDAappliances - "Family cooking dinner together in modern kitchen"

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