
港大民主派 “列侬墙” 再遭破坏 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:Hong Kong Free Press《香港自由报》;作者:RHODA KWAN;发布时间:September 28, 2020 / 2020年9月28日

翻译/简评:风起云涌;校对:1818;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒



然而在中共的统治下,是不允许有言论自由的,于是就出现了香港各地,甚至海外的列侬墙多次被撕毁的现象。这些搞破坏的人,要么是既得利益者,沉溺于自己的富足安逸,而不在乎剥削压迫老百姓;要么是被中共长期洗脑,失去了正常思考能力而不辨是非,或者只是拿钱办事的中共running dog。无论出于哪种原因,他们的行为正是中共流氓政党的缩影。他们胡搅蛮缠、粗暴无礼、目无法纪、傲慢无知。所以,中共不灭,作恶不止。



港大民主派 "列侬墙 “再遭破坏

Video: University of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy ‘Lennon Wall’ vandalised again

A group of at least 20 unidentified people tore down pro-democracy posters and messages posted around the University of Hong Kong’s Pokfulam campus on Saturday night, according to student-run CampusTV.


Arriving on campus at around 7pm, the group of mostly middle-aged individuals left the “Lennon Wall” in tatters, with trails of paper lining the walkway.

这群人中大多数为中年人,他们于晚上7点左右到达校园,把 “列侬墙”上的信息纸张撕得乱七八糟,留下地上一片狼藉。

Photo: CampusTV, HKUSU.照片:校园电视,港大学生会

In a video shared on social media, one of the group referred to themselves as “a group of ordinary Hong Kong citizens” who “did not want their children to attend an unclean institution.” She said in the clip that the group had not been paid any money for their actions and were not from any particular organisation.

在社交媒体上分享的视频中,其中一人称他们是“一群普通的香港公民”,他们“不想让自己的孩子去一个不洁的机构读书”。 她还在视频中说,他们的行动没有接受任何人的钱,也不代表任何特定组织。

In another video, one of the group members can be heard saying “we are clearing Hong Kong of its rubbish.”



A group of vandalisers entered #HKU to destroy the #LennonWall on Upper U-Street and the HKUSU flag at around 7pm on Sep 26 (Sat). #HKUSU will take further action to condemn such vandalism. @HKUniversityshould stand alongside students and assist the seizure of vandalisers. 9月26日晚7点,一群破坏者进入港大校园,摧毁位于上大学街的#列侬墙及香港大学学生会会旗。#HKUSU(港大学生会)采取进一步行动,谴责这种破坏行为。 香港大学应与学生站在一起,协力抓住破坏者。原文中的推特及视频链接:https://twitter.com/hkusu_official/status/1309886971691503616?s=20

Several security officers employed by the university were also present on the scene.


A few hours after the incident, the university’s student union condemned the group’s actions, saying it will not back down to tyranny and will defend freedom of speech on campus. It also called on the University of Hong Kong to “stand alongside students…”

事件发生几小时后,该大学的学生会谴责了这种行为,称他们不会为暴政而退缩,并将捍卫校园的言论自由。 学生会还呼吁香港大学“与学生站在一起……”

University to investigate


According to CampusTV, a spokesperson for university said that “the school is looking into the incident, the school’s management and security measures.” The spokesperson also said the university “does not rule out the possibility of holding the persons involved responsible.”

根据校园电视台(CampusTV)的报道,港大的一位发言人称:“学校正在调查该事件,以及学校的管理和安全措施问题。” 发言人还说,该大学“不排除追究有关人员责任的可能性。”

The destroyed boards lined a walkway known as Upper University Street, which is easily accessible from the university’s subway stations.


The union announced plans to rebuild the walls on Tuesday.


Photo: CampusTV, HKUSU.照片:校园电视,港大学生会

Inspired by the John Lennon wall in Prague, Lennon Walls have been commonly used by pro-democracy protesters since the 2014 Umbrella Movement to display messages supporting the movement.


Lennon Walls have long been sites of contention between opposing factions of Hong Kong’s democracy movement. Saturday marked the second incident of its kind at the university in the space of ten weeks. In mid-July, a similar scene played out at the same spot, with at least nine individuals tearing down previous iterations of the Lennon Walls.

很长时间以来,列侬墙都是香港民主运动和对立派之间争执的场所。 星期六是该大学在十周内第二次发生此类事件。 7月中旬,在同一地点也发生了类似的事件,当时至少有9个人撕毁了先前的列侬墙。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】