Spencer Nordeen Digital Photography 1, Period 6

This photo was taken for the food challenge. The goal was to create a dramatic photo of candy, with shadows and a very small DOF. The F-Stop used was 3.6
For this assignment we had to use as many elements of composition that we could. This photo uses lead room and rule of thirds. I blurred the background to create simplicity and make the main subject stand out.
I shot this for the shoe photo-challenge. The idea was to take a picture of shoes. It had to be in focus, exposed correctly, and taken from a unique point of view!
This is a photo I used for the grunge photo assignment. In photoshop I blended different textures and cracks to make it look as though it is part of the picture.
This was for the "Shooting With Light" assignment. We did this by creating a design with a flashlight, in a dark room. We used a tripod and a slow shutter speed in order to capture all of the light.

What I like most about the art of photography is you can take a photo of whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want with it. You can make it whatever you want to be. It's a way to express yourself. I think photography is powerful. That's why they say "A picture's worth a thousand words." photos can show what's going on on the other side of the world. they can have emotion. They can inspire people. they can change peoples views and they can even change people's lives. I want my art to inspire people.

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