Parish Connections (Greenway) Out to Water, In to History: a link in to the heart of Rushden's historic communities

Our aims:

Access to the River Nene and important heritage sites being improved for local communities.

Improving pedestrian and cycle links for communities in the Nenescape area.

Attracting more visitors to local heritage sites.

Making the boot and shoe heritage of Rushden more available to people.

Improving local business by improved heritage opportunities.

Rushden Hall

What we will deliver

  • Installation of signposting and pathway markings to create a clear link from the end of the Greenway to the new bridge.
  • Installation of signposting and pathway markings to create a link from the end of the Greenway to the historic residential heart of Rushden.
St. Mary's Church, Rushden

What we will deliver

  • Run a local competition for local artists to create a welcoming 'Gateway' at Crown Park, illustrating what people can find when they explore the town.
  • Installing interpretation boards and signposts at key points, enabling visitors to understand the area they are exploring.
Elements of the Greenway including signage is affected by vandalism
  • Working with a local artist and local youth groups to create a graffiti mural on the inside of Washbrook Road tunnel.
Washbrook Road tunnel

What we will deliver

  • Create a Friends of the Greenway, who will work with Town and District Council staff to maintain planting of the route, litter pick and input into planned events.
  • Build links with Moulton College's Trades Academy to gain student input into the landscaping of the Greenway.
  • Build links with Crown Park businesses to create sponsorship opportunities for landscape works., activities and events along the Greenway.
  • Build links with local WIs for a foraging / cookery project.
  • Undertake an eco and tree survey.
Greenway event 2013

Our project is important

  • Providing a safer and attractive green transport route to enable residents of Rushden to access the River Nene and its attractions.
  • Providing an enhanced gateway to the town, grounded into the town's heritage, which can become a focus for community pride and encourage a sense of place.
  • Reducing the need for car travel, improving local commuters' green footprint.
  • Providing a physical network linking attractions such as Stanwick Lakes.
  • Providing the opportunity for visitors to Rushden Lakes and the river to access a key part of Northamptonshire's boot and shoe heritage.
Stanwick Lakes

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