Welcome to the Water Wellness Toolbox Watershed Stewardship Bin
Created in partnership with Garden Green Vashon
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Especially in rural areas where landowners maintain larger properties, you have the power to make a beneficial impact on the health of your home watershed through what you do in your garden, fields, forests, and grounds. And, because watersheds drain eventually to the Puget Sound, you also have the power to beneficially impact the surrounding marine environment. Below you will find fact sheets and helpful demonstration videos by Garden Green Vashon that tackle many of the challenging gardening and landscape issues from pests, to composting, from weeds, to planting native plants. Enjoy!
For more information on any land or water stewardship issue on your property contact Garden Green, they are happy to give advice!
Fact Sheets
Fact sheets for common garden problems: from powdery mildew to slugs and mice, from noxious weeds to moss you will find green solutions to all common gardening problems in these detailed fact sheets. Follow the index on the page to pick the subject of your choice. Fact sheets are available for on-line viewing, download and printing.
Information on orchard and lawn care: these fact pages give a variety of information on managing larger areas of property like orchards and lawns.
Information on controlling run-off and cleansing water that flows through your property: Stormwater, rainwater, and irrigation water draining off our property into Vashon streams and into the Salish Sea can cause erosion problems; especially if it runs off too quickly and in too great a quantity. There is growing evidence that pollutants in stormwater, rainwater, and irrigation water running off our property can also harm wildlife. For these reasons it is a good idea to consider solutions for controlling, slowing down, maintaining, and infiltrating rainwater, stormwater, and irrigation water on site.
How-to videos
Sheet mulching part 1: putting down mulch and why it is useful to mulch.
Sheet mulching part 2: now you've got the base layer, how do you deal with the wood chips?
Sheet mulching part 3: when to use wood chips and when to use compost.
Removing weeds without chemicals courtesy of Garden Green Vashon.
Learn how to decrease run-off in these next two videos. Rainwater part 1 includes excellent info on how to build a green roof. Rainwater part 2 takes you on a tour of Vashon Co-housing where you learn all about different techniques to catch and manage stormwater run-off! Courtesy of Garden Green Vashon.