Water Conservation By: Gracye Wilmurth

  • Water conservation is the preservation, control and development of water resources, also the prevention of pollution.
Water pollution
  • Safe Drinking Water Act- put in place in 1974. This law ensures the safety of the publics drinking water.
  • Water conservation Act of 2009 is specifically put into place for the state of California. This act states that you have to conserve water to help improve urban areas and agricutural water supplies.
  • Benefits of water conservation- saves money, protects drinking water, minimizes water pollution and health risks, saves energy.
Saves A lot of money
  • There are many downsides to not conserving water, but these are only a few. Downsides- Eventually a healthy water supply will not exist, food supply will decrease, the price of everything will go up.
  • There are some countries that use water conservation efficiently. Here are 5.
  • Saudi Arabia, Israel, Greece, United Kingdom, and The U.S (mainly California is trying to be more efficient).
Saudi Arabia
  • Facts- 1. Less than 2% of the Earths water supply is fresh water,
  • 2. The human body is about 75% water,
  • 3. Everyday in the U.S we drink about 110 million gallons of water,
  • 4. A leaky faucet can waste 100 gallons a day,
  • 5. One flush of the toilet uses 6 1/2 gallons of water.
Conserve Water

Cites- eps.gov, www.ca.gov


Created with images by AcrylicArtist - "Rock Glen Falls" • gambier20 - "Rainbow pollution" • GSquare - "thirst water bottle hydrate"

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