Maronite Catholic Church Yolanda St.Fleur & Isabella Zayas

The Maronite Church was founded by the

Disciples of St Maron after his death.

They were inspired by his holiness and miracles. 410 AD

The Maronite Church is divided into 9 dioceses.
St.Maron was a hermit

"The Maronites remained as they are now. They ordain a patriarch and bishops from their convent. They are separated from Maximus, in that they confess only one will in Christ, and say: 'Who was crucified for us'. But they accept the Synod of Chalcedon." - Michael the Syrian

  1. They were recognized as independent with its own bishops
  2. Pope Gregory XIII founded a college in Rome to train their clergy
  3. The Maronite Church had a characteristic of a monastic institution

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