Ikeesha Share the love at Christmas

Ikeesha is the only provider and single mom of six children. She is recovering from an accident that gave her a severe chemical burn at the factory where she works. At the same time, her 18-year old son was shot and, as a result, became a paraplegic. Because of the pain from her burn she almost dropped her son while caring for him.

Working two full-time jobs, Ikeesha is a mom that doesn't give up. She cares for her 18, 16, 13, 9, 8 and 4-year old children, and is in desperate need of basic items like toilet paper and groceries. Not being able to read herself, her greatest desire is for her kids to have a better life and get an education.

Because of your generosity, we were able to get Ikeesha money for groceries, gas and to help pay some of her bills.


Created with images by amit69 - "hope life decor"

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