The Chinese Garden By KEN FREEMAN

An oasis of calm, from the city's mad clamour. Strong walls sheltered travelers from the storm - the storm of traffic gridlock and bright lights and glamour. A place to just let quiet moments fall.

As you passed through the gateway, you pause there with your eyes adjusting to a softer sun-lit glow. And standing there quietly, you note with some surprise that you're breathing and your heartbeat has slowed.

Pathways wonder 'round-a-bout. Through lily covered ponds, overhanging bows filtered the light. And over there, a golden swirl underneath, drooping willow fronds, as well fed koi pursue their appetite.

A harmony of gentle colour, movement and sound, with waterside pavillions to invite the visited to sit awhile. Just sit and look around. And like a child, surrender to delight.

Water tumbles lively over jatted solid rock. Trees and shrubs and flowers everywhere, escape you for a while. And from the tyranny of the clock, just sit and let the time pass if you dare.

Old wisdom has designed this place in such a clever way, to show the artistry of natures world. In minature, a mountain landscape bathed in sunlit rays. A symbiotic, wonderous unfurled.

Tumbling water carves the rock, creates a winding stream. Crevasses collect life giving earth to nourish trees and flowers and shrubs and grass a verdant green. Patterns repeated since the planets birth.

A place to rest, a place to think, a place to learn and wonder to appreciate the depth of natures plan. Not a place to build a cunning, culprit take-over. Leave that, to you join the throng again. The Chinese Garden.

Ken Freeman wrote the poem titled "The Chinese Garden" because it's his place where he likes to calm himself down. He has been going there for several years, to escape reality and be with his peace of mind for a while. He's a poet as well as a washboard player in a band; a conductor in a singing group that has performed in the Opera House; and a loving husband to his wife Marj Freeman. Ken and Marj help out in the neighbourhood by doing community work when ever they can. They perform every year at the Relay For Life in Sydney with Ken's band and singing group.

"Some years ago when I found out that the Blacktown council had established a Chinese Garden in Nurragingy Reserve, I was very pleased because, for many years, I have been visiting the Chinese Garden in Sydney. Tucked away in the southern corner of the harbour-side area there, Darling Harbour. And I find it a lovely place to spend an hour or so to just relax and get away from the world. So here is a poem, titled "The Chinese Garden".


Created with images by randall.booth - "101_1707" • NickiMM - "Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour Sydney"

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