Your Living Room By: Dominic williams

There are a couple of simple items you will need for your journey...

These are things such as a blanket, some snacks, and of course, Netflix.

This is a great way to get started, however, what if you run out of snacks???

You'll need a phone handy (a charger if needed), and money to order food from delivery restaurants. Tell them to just come in on the phone call. Say you can't leave your couch because our legs are broken.

Some good things to order are pizza of course, or other delivery places.

Do you like your bed? Well honestly, if you don't want to stay on the couch for all the time, you can just bring your bed downstairs and stay in that.

Now you have all of this set. What to do? Stream Netflix of course!

I would recommend binge watching as many power rangers shows as you can. In chronological order they are following:

Mighty Morphin PR, Mighty Morphin PR Movie, PR Zeo, PR Turbo, PR in Space, PR Lost Galaxy, PR Lightspeed Rescue, PR Time force, PR Wild Force, PR Ninja Storm, PR Dino Thunder, PR S.P.D., PR Mystic Force, PR Operation Overdrive, PR Jungle Fury, PR RPM, PR Samurai, PR Super Samurai, PR Megaforce, PR Super Megaforce, PR Dino Charge, PR Dino Super Charge, PR Ninja Steel.

This is a good option because costs are low, unless you overeat, and there are so many choices! You can customize your own journey.

Have fun on your journey!

Created By
Dominic Williams


Created with images by Loimere - "73/365 - Full Living Room" • y2bk - "bed within reach" • TBIT - "dollar bank note money"

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