All About Abbey Harris

My name is Abbey Harris. I was born and raised in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. I completed my undergraduate degree at Radford University, graduated May 2016. The graduate degree that I am pursuing is Curriculum and Instruction. I am pursuing this degree in order to learn more information and ways to effectively teach my students. I am also pursing this degree because it will allow me to become endorsed to teach Gifted Education. In 5-10 years I hope to either continue teaching kindergarten or teach gifted students. It really bugs me when people spell my name wrong. Some important things in my life are my family, friends, boyfriend, and education. My family's farm is also very important to me. On the farm, we raise beef cattle and crops.

I am currently back in Spotsylvania, teaching kindergarten at Battlefield Elementary. My mother graduated from Virginia Tech and also began her teaching career at the same elementary school that I am currently teaching at.

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