Do you need the AND? Not ALWAYS

Once, a long time ago, I went for a walk in the park and there was a flock of geese and I went closer and closer to see why they were all gathered together and do you know what I saw?

What are they doing?


FIND THE "ands"



Once, a long time ago, I went for a walk in the park and there was a glock of geese and I went closer and closer to see why they were all gathered together and do you know what I saw?

Once a long time ago, I went for a walk in the part. There was a flock of geese. I went closer and closer to see why they were all gathered together. Do you know what I saw?

This is why they were gathering together.


Created with images by Kobie M-C Photography - "Gang of geese" • USFWS Mountain Prairie - "A Gaggle of Goslings" • Bobolink - "Stirling Geese 7" • Noonch - "Gaggle of Geese" • USFWS Mountain Prairie - "A Gaggle of Goslings"

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