African Culture CHAPTER 15 lesson 3

Many of African's culture come from the Bantu migrants. They started in central Africa and misgrated all over Africa. About 220 million African speak the hundreds of Bantu languages.

The Bantu Culture

African women in the society were mostly just wife's and mothers. Some women served as soldiers in some African army. Some African women served as Queens and Rulers.

Dahia al-Kahina, and African Queen

African slave trade was a common thing in America and the world before the 13th Amendment. Muslims couldn't insulate other Muslims but they could inslave Africans which they did. Portuguese also enslaved Africans and sold them and used them for harvesting sugar cane.

Fredric Douglas, a Former Slave

Definitions from the Lesson.

Extended Family: A family made up of several generations.

Matrilineal: To trace a family decedants through mothers and not fathers.

Oral History: Telling stories the were told and retold so they could know about their ancestors.

Sugarcane: A grassy plant that produces sugar.

Spiritual: A gospel song.

Most art in africa was rock art, where they drew the pictures on the rocks. Africans also made wooden statues. Africans also had their own traditional musi. They sang spirituals, and blues early on and then they developed more genres like rock and roll and jazz.

The End


Created with images by Mariamichelle - "hut dwelling africa" • sarangib - "siddi tribe farmer" • dbking - "Frederick Douglass" • atlanticstorm (Christopher_Griner) - "South Africa - Kogelberg Mountains & South Atlantic Ocean" • kolibri5 - "africa namibia landscape" • geralt - "town sign place name sign final"

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