A BALANCING ACT Victor Mardikian

Clemson University: School of Architecture Structures 2700: Spring 2017 - Dr. Micheal C. Kleiss PhD

Victor Mardikian

Design and build a Static Equilibrium Model displaying the concepts of equilibrium, load distribution, gravity forces, lateral stability, and the separation of tension and compression through the design of an abstract structural model.

In order to create a successful final model the team decides to start the project by building a study model in order to better understand the forces at play.

Working on the final model, adjusting the balance of the bottom cube.

During the study model phase of the project, the team is already pushed to critically think in order to solve the multitude of unpredictable design problems. Establishing constraints such as refraining from the use of eye-hooks as well as dowels to directly support the cube enabled the team to think outside of the box.

Struck by beauty, gripped by strength. Utilizing tension and compression forces, the model holds still floating above the ground.
Amidst the chaos of tense string and obtuse angle of the dowels, an order is established by the regimented lines of the cubes.
Walking on the platform one encounters a strange illusion of appearance, two cubes appearing to float simultaneously?
Keeping both sides in the dispute happy was a difficult juggling act. This required an extraordinary degree of diplomacy.

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