Super human by: michael carroll

Michael Carroll born in March 21 1966 he was an Irish novel writer and wrote short stories for adults and children. He is best known for his series of superhero novels. After leaving school at 16 he worked as a postman. He started doing computer programming in 1985. In 1990 he met his future wife named Leonia. then he went to a science book fair and they was the start of him becoming a author.

this book is a fictional novel set in the present day in the U.S.this book is about this godlike warrior who went missing hundreds of years ago and a group called the Helotry goes looking for him.

this king brought the entire world on there knees and then disappeared from his castle. Now present day United States these people who called themselves helotry go looking for him and create a plague that affects adults all over the world. The superheroes who had the best chance of stopping them. But the Helotry has not counted on them to stop em from a newly formed group of teen superheroes.


Created with images by MemoryCatcher - "armour horse knight" • werner22brigitte - "soldier spear war" • Jorge Franganillo - "Bwlch y Battel" • misteraitch - "Helmets" • Fæ - "Mukden Plauge Hospital, Mukden, Manchuria, 1882-ca. 1936 (imp-cswc-GB-237-CSWC47-LS8-043)"

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