
UpRoar Senior Spotlight Chuy Resendiz

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Wouldn’t you say i'm the fairest of them all

Why don’t you just say so

Mirror Mirror on my wall

I've worked out for 3 hours till my nose bled and I dropped

Why don’t you praise me so

I didn’t eat anything today

You told me I’d look good that my waist will look thin

So why do you make my stomach so big

Mirror Mirror on my wall

You’ve tortured my face since I was 10

You’re probably why I chose to stay in bed

Mirror Mirror on my wall

You’re only one of the thousands I see

Each day I have to try to smile

But all I see is the inversions you make of me

I’m the 240 pound child

Who hated to eat

I’m the 240 pound child

Who wanted to believe

That if I work out my body even if it makes me bleed

That if I control my mind even if it blows up in my face

That one day

That Mirror on the wall

Would say i'm the fairest of them all

But even when fit

Even when lean

The mirror on the wall still tries its best to mock me.