DJ CAPITAL ft Gigi Lamayne & Big Star Johnson music video treatment

1st Hook
The video opens with Gigi in her apartment on the phone making a cup of tea and getting ready for the day. The door bell rings and she finds Dj Capital on the door to present her with a bottle of champaign. In the video will see DJ Capital arriving and leaving in each set delivering a bottle
J Molley's set begins with a close up shot of a model pouring champaign in a glass. She walks up to J Molley handing him the bottle and keeping the glass. He does his performance while we intercut to his performance and her beauty shots.

In this set will have a note written "from Dj Capital" next to the bottle

Second performance set opens with a wide shot of Dj Capital driving off in the desert and tracks back to find BigStar in a desert under a tent seated with models over bottles

DJ Capital Driving off in the desert in slow motion

Performance set of BigStar seated under a tent with models
Beauty shots of models
On the 3rd verse we open up to Gigi's profile filling the one side of the frame and models dancing to her raps and wilding like they are in a club

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