My Trip to the Harn Museum of Art Matthew Marvar - Haarhoff H


Thank you for joining me on my journey through the Harn! I am thankful to have experienced different art and their effects and intentions, as well as being able to connect it back to what we learn in class. I hope you enjoy my Spark Story.

Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist - Veduta de Basilica

I was drawn to this piece as I thought about the different methods in which an artist can portray their art through painting, sculpture, and abstract materials. The artist who completed this work decided to go back to basics with a pen and I appreciate such detail. I took a magnifying glass and zoomed in on how straight each line held itself across the page, as well as how the ink can help produce such gorgeous patterns. I get the sense that the artist put months and months into this one piece through their attention to detail, to make it appear like a photograph. I appreciate such passion and its evident in this drawing as well.

Design of the Museum - the entry room

Of the whole museum, this space is by far my favorite. I love that it's large, open, yet warm and intimate, and that it doesn't take away from the art. I enjoy the position of the art in the space in that it greets you as soon as you move through the doors. The focal point of the room, American Abstraction, is paired nicely with the open space around and above it. The dark space above the piece contrasts nicely with the piece itself, allowing the audience to focus on the art.

Art and Core Values - Cemetery of the town of Hualta de Jimenez, Mexico

This work allows me to interpret how others cope with loss. The photo depicts the cemetery adorned with flowers and candles while the dog, who serves as the focal point for the piece, rests on a grave, possibly coping with loss. The dog in the photo perplexes me because of his potential connection with the cemetery - his owner might be in that grave. Nevertheless, this sad photo gives me hope, however, because it demonstrates how love transcends from humans to other animals, and from life to death.

Art and the Good Life - Plate 2, Coffee Portfolio

I love this picture because of its physical composition and its scene. According to the description, the characters depicted above work in the coffee industry, picking and processing coffee beans - but in this moment, on a break, they sing. Here's a moment that demonstrates the exact thing we need more of to improve the overall quality of our everyday lives: sharing simple, genuine human connections with others. In this piece, nothing else matters - the smiles here are not generated by money or fame or things, but by sharing organic, positive experiences with others, and celebrating them.

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