Kevin Nguyen

Hey everyone!! I'm looking forward to this class because I had Carol for macroeconomics and I love the way she structures the content, it made the class easy to understand. I am concerned about working at an accelerated pace and not understanding the material 100%.

Myself at Grand Canyon National Park

In my spare time I do photography such as Senior Photos, Prom Photos, Graduation photos, portraits, and landscapes.

I met my girlfriend 4 years ago on Facebook(weird I know) and I drove all the way to Kansas to see her. I was afraid she was going to catfish me but it was all worth it at the end. A little after meeting her we found out that we're actually from the same town in California and born from the same hospital, small world eh?

I aspire to be a Youtube travel vlogger. Unfortunately I'm a student with a budget so traveling isn't my biggest priority, however I will always take the opportunity to make a video. Hope y'all enjoy!

The rest is just some other pictures that I have taken. I hope we have a good semester!

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