
欧盟因国安法将限制对香港的出口 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:HKFP《香港自由报》;作者:AFP;发布时间:14 July 2020 2020年7月14日



当年中共用谎言欺骗了英国政府和全世界人民,向香港承诺了“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治50年不变的香港回归政策。 现在时间还未过半,就单方面撕毁了中英联合声明,用残暴的手段压制香港人民的和平诉求。不仅如此,中共国在香港颁布和实施的国安法还将它的司法权限延伸到非中国人、非香港人,企图压制和威胁全世界支持香港抗争、维护香港自由法制的声音。当然,中国的这种倒行逆施是不可能得逞的。事实上,通过这部恶法,使更多的人看清了中共没有信誉、不守规矩、以警治国的流氓行径。



EU to consider limiting exports to Hong Kong over security law


European Parliament. Photo: Wikicommons. 欧洲议会。图片。Wikicommons。

EU countries agreed Monday to consider limiting exports of equipment that could be used for political repression to Hong Kong in response to a national security law imposed by Beijing.


The 27 EU members will also re-examine extradition agreements with Hong Kong as well as visa arrangements after the imposition of the law, which has been criticised as placing severe curbs on the financial hub’s relative freedoms.


EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell said the final version of the law was “more draconian than expected” and the bloc’s foreign ministers, meeting in Brussels for talks, agreed to work on a coordinated European response.

欧盟外交大臣约瑟夫·博雷尔(Josep Borrell)说,该法律的最终版本“比预期的更加严厉”。欧盟外交部长在布鲁塞尔举行会议时讨论,同意欧洲对此作出统一回应。

“Our message in this context is twofold. First, to the people in Hong Kong, the support of European Union for their autonomy and fundamental freedom — we will continue to stand by the people of Hong Kong,” Borrell said after the meeting.


“And to China the message is that the recent actions change the rules, they will require a revision of our approach and will clearly have an impact on our relations.”


Josep Borrell. File Photo: European Parliament via Flickr/C.C.2.0 何塞普-博雷尔。资料图片。欧洲议会通过Flickr/C.2.0。

EU countries will look at restricting the transfer of “dual use” goods, which can be used for political repression, as well as considering making it easier for Hong Kongers to get visas to the bloc.


Former colonial ruler Britain has already announced plans to grant expanded immigration rights to some three million Hong Kongers — much to Beijing’s annoyance.


Much of the action under consideration will be for national governments rather than the EU to decide upon, but Borrell insisted that it would be coordinated across the bloc.


Beijing says the security law is needed to restore stability to Hong Kong after months of protests and the city’s leader has vowed to enforce it “vigorously”. Critics warn the law criminalises many peaceful dissenting opinions.


File Photo: via Pixabay. 图片文件:Pixabay。

Germany and France suggested the joint EU action, and Berlin’s foreign minister Heiko Maas said the security law meant the status quo could not continue.

德国和法国建议欧盟采取联合行动,柏林的外交部长马斯(Heiko Maas)说,国安法意味着(香港)的现状不能够再继续。

“We are also determined to follow words with deeds,” Maas said.


“If the security law is applied in Hong Kong, it will have to have very concrete effects on questions of arms exports, dual use goods, and we will also have to ask ourselves how extradition agreements and mutual legal assistance agreements can be further dealt with under the circumstances.”


But, for now, the EU is not considering sanctions on China over the Hong Kong controversy, and the bloc is deeply divided over how tough a line to take with an important trading partner.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】