Instagram By: harlie

Kevin System and Mike Krieger, were the inventors of Instagram they were two Stanford men, and built up a picture perfect photo app the inventors of this app Instagram has also made an impact on the world of photography and turned it into a $1 billion dollar empire. Instagram had sparked many like celebrities. emerged as the most popular platform for advertisers and their social media campaigns for the first time, according to a new survey. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed by Strata, a ComCast platform service, cited Instagram as their platform of choice compared to 56 percent who chose Twitter.

The results show Instagram's growing influence. The service has benefited from the use of Facebook's advertising technology and has been rolling out features that make it more useful for sharing news and activity updates, Instagram has more than 200,000 advertisers compared with Twitter's 130,000.

Instagram has about 70 million daily photo updates next to the 30 billion daily likes it gets. It also gets over 300 million monthly active users, overtaking Twitter with 284 million users. The rise of the selfie can to action when many celebrities.

While instagram, the rising photo-sharing social network service, has received increasing attention from scholars and practitioners, little is known about the social and psychological factors that lead consumers to become fanatics of this app.Many major brands also use Instagram for marketing purposes. Retailers, restaurant chains, and sports teams are examples of some of the types of brands that widely use Instagram to market themselves.

The results show Instagram's growing influence. The service has benefited from the use of Facebook's advertising technology and has been rolling out features that make it more useful for sharing news and activity updates .The results show Instagram's growing influence. The service has benefited from the use of Facebook's advertising technology and has been rolling out features that make it more useful for sharing news and activity updates.

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