The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt By Cameron Evans

Upon entry, I was very impressed with the layout of Constans Theater. Despite the fact that I had to sit in the back, it was easy to view the stage. When the lights dimmed and the audience quieted, I actually found myself excited for the play (which I can't say I was too thrilled for initially). The size of the auditorium also improved the sound quality of the production. The theater was designed in such a way that sound travels to every corner of the room. When living the good life, it is important to take note of our surroundings (and furthermore appreciate every moment in a variety of settings).

I attended the performance with my roommate Jesse. To get ready for the performance, I read the play bulletin and tried to gain an idea of what I would listen to for the next two hours. Attending the play with my friends made it a much more enjoyable experience. We laughed together, and conversed quietly when the plot got a little confusing. The role of shared experiences is crucial in the good life; in order to live life to the fullest, we need to make connections with those around us.

The central issue addressed in the performance was more shocking than I imagined it would be. After being raped by a priest for years straight, Talbot is fed up and retaliates. The rest of the play is an attempt by the church to cover up the scandal. We also see issues revolving around social injustices (having to do with wealth), and the clash of Theater and Religion. I knew very little about the subject matter of the play beforehand, so I was very surprised by the ending. The production made me more aware of social oppression that exists today. Even though the setting of the play is the early 1900's, it made me attentive to the poor people I see all around me. Thankfully, the subject matter had no relationship to my life.

The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt provides a great opportunity for katharsis. The word itself means "to purify the soul with music, dance, or poetry." Going to the play gave me the chance to do just that. At the same time, I was able to forget about the mindless tasks of college life. Overall, the play was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

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