Lacey Hineman Senior Year, 2016-2017

Not only is Lacey graduating from high school this spring, she will also have her first year of college finished, with 32 units under her belt. She has been teaching ballet and tap classes at Starlight Studios to young children and doing a lot of pet sitting for friends and neighbors. She plans to raise one more lamb and turkey for Agfest this summer. She hopes go on to college locally next fall and eventually finish with a doctorate in Physical Therapy.
Lacey has been very active in 4-H leadership this year. She leads a video production project and this is her second year leading a dissection project. She is also the junior chair for the Fashion Review and the junior leader for advanced cooking.
The horses are more fun than the photography.
2016 had a lot of learning and accomplishments. Community Service as well as cake decorating. Donations to Brighter Christmas, collecting for Knights of Columbus, Winning 4-H Small Animal Master Showman at Agfest and competing at California State Fair.
I dance in my dreams...
Although she is very active in 4-H, her first love is dancing. Lacey's career choice is due to wanting to help people with dance injuries and sports injuries. Her love for dance always kept her coming back despite having to take time off for sore knees and twisted ankles. Being committed to dance, she knows the show must go on.
And when the fun is over, and the awards are passed out, it's back to work, finishing up school work and getting ready for the next day.

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