Why People Went West By: Dylan O.

Three new thing I learned were that humans were becoming extremely ill because of a sickness called Yellow Fever. Another thing I learned was that when the people were migrating to the West because there were a ton of bandits that probably had guns by their sides. The last thing I learned was that they migrated because of the extremely hot climate.
An interesting fact is that most people lived in little huts and the wagons they were traveling in were small. Another interesting fact is that people moved to the west before the gold rush and wondered why people were moving west.
One thing I will remember is that the people who lived in the east got a lot of terrible natural disasters.
This goes along with the essential question because it shows that people moved west because they didn't like the weather and they didn't like the space they had to live in.


Created with images by werner22brigitte - "bodie gold rush gold" • elljay - "cowboy horse dog" • thiagokerzer - "house old house slavery" • PhilPix - "monument valley trolley utah" • photopoodle - "natures window landscape western australia"

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