Congratulations! You made it!

This is Me

Qinping He & Jack Zhang

Qingping + Jack + Nu Skin = Perfect Partnership

A Lifestyle Worth Working For

The canal generates fully one-third of Panama's entire economy.

Americas Region Goals

The oldest continually operating railroad is in Panama. It travels from Panama City to Colon and back.

How do you measure up?

In order to reach our goal of 100,000 Loyal Customers and 10,000 Sales Leaders, each executive in the Americas Region must build a Circle Group with at least 10 customers. Here's how your team is doing:

Products that Customers Love

We are committed to helping you grow your business. As you work towards reaching your Loyal Customers goal, look to us for new, exciting, and consumer friendly product offerings.

Loyalty Packages

Already available to you and your customers, we have the ageLOC Me and Facial Spa Loyalty Packages. These packages are loaded with benefits, from Fast Start Bonuses to ADR Rewards.

$300 USD, 250 PSV, $50 FSP
$250 USD, 150 PSV, $40 FSP

Social Selling Is Where It's At

Whether through social media sites or at Spa parties, social selling is the future. We have revisited the pricing of some of our most popular products to help you earn the business of your new customers.

Panama City is the only capital city that has a rain forest within the city limits.

Where will you go next?

Punta Cana, Alaska, Maui, Orlando, Panama, Iceland. Where will you go next?

Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic.

Share the Fun!

While you are out having a blast, make sure to share your favorite photos on social media using the #NuPanama hashtag. We're on the lookout for the three best photos from the Panama success trip. If your photo is chosen, we'll give you a free ageLOC Duet!


Together we are better!

Network with successful leaders at Nu Skin headquarters in Provo, Ut. Rub shoulders with the corporate management and sales team. Attend workshops to learn the latest about the Nu Skin product portfolio and business building strategies. Have a blast at recognition night!

Nu Skin Live!

Join us this October for the first ever Nu Skin Live event! This will be bigger and better than any Global Convention you've ever seen before!

Thank you! Have some fun!


Created with images by benkucinski - "San Blas, Kuna Yala, Panama (99)"

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