Caleb These images were used for educational purposes only

Before. Used the clone tool and the healing brush. After
Before. Used the color fill layer option. After
Before. Used the Hue and Saturation layer option.After
Before. Used the gradient tool with a layer mask. After
Before. Used the Vibrance layer option and the brightness and contrast layer option. After
Before. used the layer mask to hide the bottom portion of the largest moon, used the effects options to create an outer glow on the dolphin and globe. After
Before. used the magic wand tool with the anti-alias on and used the move tool. After
After. used the liquify tool. Before
Before. Used Hue and Saturation layer options and color fill layer option. After
Created By
Caleb Vanover


Created with images by pedrosimoes7 - "Ford RS 200 (this is the car involved in The accident at Rally Portugal)"

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