
众议院将快速通过《外国公司问责法案》中共公司面临“去市” 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:Bloomberg Business《彭博商业评论》;作者:Billy House;发布时间:November 28, 2020 /2020年11月28日



(号外) 又一重磅!众议院预计将于下星期三(12/2)快速通过这一个能使中共的美国上市公司就范于美国公司审核规定或赶出美国股市!多年来中共通过国家级的暗箱操作将欧美人民的血汗钱卷至几大家族,尤其蚂蚁金服的IPO事件还历历在目;天佑美国,中共插管吸血美国人民和中共国人民的恶魔行为终于打醒华尔街和两党的无耻政客,重磅推出法案清除中共在美的白手套洗钱公司。



House Will Vote on Bill Restricting Chinese Firms Listed in U.S.


The House is set to vote on bipartisan legislation that would impose restrictions on Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges, including requiring certification that they’re not under control of a foreign government.


The bill’s sponsors say the aim is to ensure foreign companies traded in America are subject to the same independent audit requirements that apply to U.S. firms. In doing so, the measure threatens to boot Chinese companies, including behemoths like Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Baidu Inc., out of American stock markets.


The Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (S. 945) will be considered Wednesday under a streamlined process that limits debate on the House floor, allows no amendments, and requires approval by two-thirds of members present and voting to pass.

《外国公司问责法案》(S. 945)将于周三在精简程序下进行审议,该程序限制众议院的辩论,不允许修改,并要求在场议员中三分之二的人投票通过即可。

The Republican-led Senate passed the measure in May; scheduling a House vote now, under an accelerated process typically used for non-controversial matters, signals conditional bipartisan support.


“The current policy that allows Chinese firms to flout the rules that American companies follow is toxic,” Senator John Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican, said in a statement to Bloomberg News on Saturday. Kennedy introduced the bill with Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland.

路易斯安那州共和党参议员约翰·肯尼迪(John Kennedy)周六在给彭博新闻(Bloomberg News)的一份声明中表示,“中共国公司在美国不必遵守美国公司所遵循的现行政策是行不通。”肯尼迪和马里兰州的民主党参议员克里斯·范·霍伦(Chris Van Hollen)一起提出了该法案。

Wall Street Struggles to Avert Peril in Trump’s China-Stock Feud


At issue is China’s refusal to let inspectors from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board review audits of Chinese companies that trade on U.S. exchanges. It’s gained urgency due to rising tensions between the two countries on several fronts, from military to human rights, and also follows this year’s high-profile accounting scandal at Luckin Coffee Inc.

问题根源在于,中共拒绝让美国上市公司会计监督委员会(Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)的检查员审查在美上市中共公司的审计报告。由于两国在从军事到人权等多个领域的紧张关系不断升级,以及瑞幸咖啡公司(Luckin Coffee Inc.)今年爆出的备受瞩目的会计丑闻,中美紧张局势进一步升级。

“It puts American families and workers at risk by jeopardizing their college and retirement savings,” Kennedy said. “My colleagues on both sides of the aisle recognize that fact and that we have a solution at hand.”


The legislation holds that if a company can’t show it’s not under the control of a foreign government, or the PCAOB isn’t able to audit the firm for three consecutive years, the company’s securities would be banned from U.S. exchanges.


The planned House vote comes as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has been working on potential parallel regulatory action that could lead to a delisting of Chinese and other certain foreign companies for not complying with U.S. auditing rules, Bloomberg News reported this month.

彭博社本月报道,就在众议院计划进行投票之际,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,简称SEC)正在研究可能的平行监管行动,可能导致中共国和其他某些外国公司因不遵守美国审计规定而被摘牌。

SEC Pushes Urgent Plan That Could Delist Chinese Companies


The battles over audit inspections date back almost 20 years, to the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act which overhauled regulation of public company audits after the collapses of Enron Corp. and WorldCom Inc. The law set up the PCAOB and required it to conduct regular reviews of companies’ books. Though it applies to businesses across the world if they tap the U.S. markets -- and more than 50 foreign jurisdictions permit the reviews -- China has refused to comply.

围绕审计检查展开的论战可以追溯到近20年前,在安然(Enron Corp.)和世通(WorldCom Inc.)破产后,2002年出台的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)对上市公司审计的监管进行了全面改革。该法律设立了美国公众公司会计监管委员会,并要求该监管委员会对上市公司账簿进行定期审查。尽管这项规定适用于世界各地进入美国市场的企业,并且目前有50多个外国司法管辖区批准了这项审查,但中共国(控制下的公司) 拒绝遵循。

U.S. and Chinese officials have repeatedly failed to come up with a compromise. In the meantime, Chinese companies have continued to go public on U.S. stock exchanges. They’ve raised about $12 billion in IPOs this year.


Trump Plans More Actions on China to Bind Biden


Chinese stock listings have also attracted President Donald Trump’s attention. This month, he signed an order barring U.S. investments in Chinese firms owned or controlled by the military, a move that could affect 31 companies and potentially more before Trump exits the White House.


Fang Xinghai, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, sounded a positive note on resolving the issue at a panel discussion this month, saying it’s important to ensure that Chinese companies have access to international capital markets.


“During the Biden administration we should be able to resolve that problem because it’s not an intractable problem,” Fang said at the New Economy Forum.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】