My trip to Auyuittuq National Park/Austin By Austin Thompson

It was a wild ride, but we made it. We got out of the boat. After traveling miles and miles we made it to Auyuittuq National Park. It's are first family vacation. First thing to do set up the tent. The ranger told us to pick a spot with no vegetation and not near a wild life habitat. We had to get only the essentials. We brought a portable stove and put some white gas in it. After a long day of setting up we headed for a mild activity. Dog sledding. We met a professional dog sledder. He told us the ropes and took us on a tour over some ice. It was fun. After that we headed back for some sleep.

After breakfast, we decided it was time to go hiking on Akshayuk Pass. We went to the start of the pass. We had all the rations we needed. This hike is about six to eight days, but we weren't going to hike the whole trail. We saw some beautiful plants and animals. We got a great view of a lake, so we took a break. Out of the water came a huge whale. The splash reached about 1000 feet high. Then from behind us we heard a russle in the bushes. Then a caribou saw us. We were so fascinated. Then we noticed a baby caribou. We all got a good feeling in our hearts. Then we went back to the camp site.

This is the last day for our adventure, so we decided not to go back the same way we came. This time we where going to ride a plane. This was going to be our last activity. We loaded up our supplies and got in. Then we took off. It was amazing. It looked like a beautiful art work. We saw everything. The trees where like ants. This truly was a great family vacation.

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