Advanced & Intermediate Digital Photography p2-30 A moment in Time Captured for a Life Time -Mr. K

We are a CTE class that specializes in digital photography. Over the past few years we have expanded the program into a community project that specializes in working with people throughout our community. We are proud to be a influential partner within our exciting area.

1st Semester Final Project

I was taking pictures using off camera flash. This first image was taken during 6th period and I walked into the auto shop and opened a tool drawer, arranged a few tools, and took the first picture with only on camera flash. The second image was taken with an off camera flash.

Tools in the Auto Shop

The first picture was without editing. The second image was edited; Exposure +0.35, Contrast +25, Highlights +16, Shadows -13, Whites +16, Blacks -14, Removed Chromatic aberration and Enabled Profile Corrections-lens, I cropped it and it uses the rule of thirds and leading lines and simplified background.

Christmas in EMT

The first picture was without editing. The second image was edited; Exposure -0.75, Contrast +30, Highlights -18, Shadows +9, Whites -14, Blacks -18, Removed Chromatic Aberration, Enabled Profile Corrections-lens, Cropped and used rule of thirds and simplified background

Weed backlighting

manipulating light; how edited, Why choose composition, How did this catch your eye, what part is this for your story

Students & Professionals

A sample of one of the events we worked at; Bisbee Court House (AZ). We are gifted with an amazing advisory council that is will to go out and work with us in the field. Our fantastic students eat these opportunities up like Sour Patch Kids;) Thank You! We can't wait to work together in the near future:)

Students working with professionals at the Bisbee Courthouse; Pauline Frederick and Heather Bird


Mr. K (NK2)

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