Industry Trends Lisa Codner

industry is booming

According to theCDC, “Almost 70% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight, while 35% are considered obese.” Because of this, the market demand in this industry is strong. From 2008 to 2014, there has been a huge increase in gym memberships, boot camps, workout studios, and online fitness programs that people are utilizing to get in shape and to get healthy.

The education and promotion about practicing a healthy lifestyle is becoming more prominent. One of the biggest influences is the marketing and advertising that goes into promoting the benefits of a fitter, healthier life.

This means that not only is there an abundance of job openings for fitness market, but there’s also openings to market the industry. It’s a win-win on whatever field you want to go into whether it's health or the promotion of it.

Advertising and marketing are always going to be high demand fields. It's how companies make money, it's how trends get started, and it's how the world is influenced. In order to get into this industry one has to be good at what they do. They need to know what people want and what people want to see.

The amount of mobile devices out there, it may be easier than you think to come up with things that people want to see (As long as you're not annoying them). In The Definitive Guide to Mobile Marketing, it brings our attention to the fact that our population is currently 7.1 billion, while there are 7.7 Billion Mobile Devices. We live in a time where people are glued to technology, and they don't know how they'd survive without it. According to the guide, "Most people reach for their phones within 15 minutes of getting up". This could be because most people probably use their phones as their alarm clock, but regardless, we have a huge dependency on these devices. It's amazing that just 20 years ago we couldn't imagine having touch screen computers to carry with us wherever we go.

This creates so many opportunities to implement marketing strategies, regardless of what you're trying to promote. Mobile marketing is just the start though. Effective marketing should implement cross channel marketing for a higher probability of action. We have an abundance of resources right at our finger tips to reach our desired audience and make a difference in this world. It's important to use it effectively and wisely. We can do whatever we really desire, and because of the many ways to reach out to the world, it leaves us with a high probability to succeed.


Fitness Industry Analysis 2016 - Cost & Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved December 09, 2016, from

(n.d.). The Definitive Guide to Mobile Marketing, 1-156.

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