Journey Log 3 jenny contonio - jennyfromtheblock - warrior - sec 41

Habits of mind used: persistence and flexibility

I am doing a terrible job of staying on top of my work in every class this semester and I am extremely lucky that it hasn’t bitten me in the ass so far. Honestly felt pretty good to say. I don’t know what has gotten into me but I am just completely unmotivated and have gotten so far behind in all my classes so far. If a project seems to big I am not persistent at all to finish it. I want to blame it on roommate issues, or the fact that I went home with my friend the past weekend. Maybe I took too much on and could blame it on that. Yet deep down I know the truth. I feel like I am in such a rush to get done with college and be out in the real world that I am not appreciating all the courses I am taking now. For me the real world is exciting because I know what I want to do. I also know that college is exciting because this is the most free time I will ever have and college is fun. I think I am not appreciating it enough and not being flexible enough. Everything my roommate does irritates me and although I know we would never be friends even if I was being more flexible, I can admit that maybe I can let a few things slide. I think I am focusing too much time on worrying about her that I am putting off getting my work done. I haven’t messed up yet (meaning I haven’t missed any deadlines or bombed any tests or quizzes) but I don’t want to put myself in a position that could lead to that. I am always on top of things because I like being prepared. I realize that if I keep going down this path it will be a very bad situation for me.

I am trying to fix this and I have a good plan to just get through the week and catch up this weekend (after typing it I realize what a terrible plan this truly is). In the future I hope to be more persistent in my courses as far as homework and studying goes. I know I am fully capable of this as I did very well last semester and just have to get back into the swing of things for this semester. I think if I get caught up it will be a lot easier to keep it up for the rest of the semester. The hardest part of being unmotivated is when you have a lot built up to tackle and it feels overwhelming. I know if I start a habit I will be able to keep it up for the entire semester. As far as being more flexible, I can’t let other things in my life disrupt my studies. Yes my roommate isn’t my favorite person in the world, but I also need to be wayyy more flexible as the situation could be so much worse. I really hope I can figure this out and hopefully make my semester much better. It started out great and I am definitely in a funk that I need to get out of. I am really the only person that can do this and I hope that I can make it better sometime soon. I possibly think I took on too much too early into the semester and that is why I burnt out pretty early on in the semester. Hopefully I can get back on track and stay on track in order to have a great second semester of my freshman year!


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