Wood workers the most important job In the colonial america

Wood workers were one of the most important jobs if not the most important in the beginning of the colonial era everything was made from wood but over time the wood workers slowly started to specialized in there own part of wood working. In those days wood was very important therefore woodworking was one of the best jobs you can get because people things to be fixed and made. Without wood workers people could not get houses,roofs,ships,doors and almost everything else. When woodworkers cut down trees they had to be careful or else the tree well fall on them even a slight drift of wind would send the tree falling. When the tree fell they wood stand on the log and cut the branches off when that was taken care off they took off the bark as well afterward they cut the trunk in to smaller pieces that way it was easy to transport and carrie. For one summer was left out to be "seasoned" during that time the wood would shrink the reason they leave it is so when they build a house the planks would not Shrink it also makes the wood stronger.

seasoning wood

When you get timber you can't just build a house no you have to get planks so the only way to do that is to get planks from the wood workers who also takes wood and turn it into planks the way they did was by using a saw it was a two man job how it worked was that one person who would go under a trench with part of the saw and a person on the top would take the other end and would move saw up and down until they reach the end then they would square the plank until it would look like a 3D rectangle. Another type of wood worker is cabinet makers they made all the wood furniture in the colony, at first they copied English trends in furniture but then they started to make there own type of furniture each craft man had there own touch they chose different types of wood for each piece of furniture like oak, maple, pine, cherry wood and black walnut. Black walnut is the most prized wood

colonial furniture

After the piece of furniture is done they would add the finish the finish is something that keeps the wood safe. another type of wood worker is copper they made casks and other wooden containers many coopers specialized in making certain types of casks Dry or slack coppers made casks for storing dry goods like grain, flour, tobacco another example is the white coppers whole made buckets, pails, butter churns , tubs, and vats.

Barrel close to what the wood workers would have made

A wheel right is a type of wood worker which made wheels they made wheels for carriages, carts and wheel burrows. The first step to make a wheel is to make the center of the wheel which is called the hub the of wood to used to make the hub was seasoned for several years the hub needs to be strong then they would attach a hollow piece of of metal tub into the center of the hub it held a rod called the axle which connected a pair of wheels so the would all roll together. Then he would add holes in the hub after ward he would add wooden rectangles then add the rim finally a strip of Iron around the rim to tighten and protect from wear the local blacksmith made tires and fitted them in to wheels the Iron tire was heated than put in cold water to make stronger.

Wooden wheel

The wainwright made wagons, coaches and carriages they would get help from wheelwrights blacksmiths and painters and cabinetmakers designed and carved the carriages.


And last but not least the shipwrights they made ships for exporting goods or ships for combat. The first step into making a ship is to make keel which ran the bottom of the ship it was like the ships spine to which they would add ribs were the frame work of the hull or body of the ship to finish the hull they would cover the ribs with planks once the planks were in place a caulker filled in the gaps between them to seal the hull against leaks he used tar and oakum which was a stringy fiber that came from oak trees. A mast maker made the masts which held up the sails he carved them from tree trunks the sails trapped the winds which powered the ships.

That is it for this it for the wood workers I hope you enjoyed it


Created with images by zbdh12 - "Wood Worker" • DzidekLasek - "wygiełzów silesian voivodeship poland open air museum" • Christine G. H. Franck - "IMG_6367" • Pixel-mixer - "wooden bucket bucket milk bucket" • WerbeFabrik - "wheel wagon wheel wooden wheel" • leewrightonflickr - "Carriage" • Sangre-La.com - "hz1141.JPG"

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