
富士康心虛了? 【中英對照翻譯】

來源:ZeroHedge, February 13, 2020

作者:Tyler Durden

新聞翻譯:Roberts; PR:海闊天空


簡評:在我們生活的時代里,資本、勞動力、原材料以前所未有的緊密方式聯繫在一起。以我們手中的一台蘋果手機為例,其成百上千的零部件,從多個不同種的芯片、不同頻率的信號接發器、屏幕及前後多個攝像頭、電池,耳機、振動馬達、到每一個螺絲和不同的線束等等, 來自中共國,美國,日本,韓國,歐洲等等國家的200多個供應商,每一台蘋果手機的所有零部件在運輸過程中的里程總和,長達50萬英里(繞地球12圈)。

而蘋果公司每年3月左右的春季發佈會中,會公佈其在新一年中的供應商名單(該年度名單也被業界視為技術水平的證書)。根據蘋果公司官網,其2019年度約200家供應商以及約800家合作工廠中,有41家的總部位於中共國大陸和香港, 除此之外中華民國(台灣)的46家中,鴻海(富士康)、和碩、仁寶等也曾在中共國大量設廠。

如果因為冠狀病毒引起的疫情,導致這些上百家工廠停工,我們買不到Iphone事小,整個世界的電子工業的利潤,及其相關配套產業鏈資金鍊斷裂,乃至股市金融行業都將感受到震撼! 而這恰恰是被金融高度綁架的西方,近些天以來所高度擔憂的事!相關報道頻頻見諸媒體。

而假設貿然復工,此次無明顯症狀潛伏期內可傳染的冠狀病毒,在密集的用工場所內能傳染給多少人?上萬?上百萬?簡直不敢想象。萬一,在復工情況下發生如此大規模的人傳人,那就不僅是企業利潤減少,投資損失,工人失業潮那麼簡單了。 由此引發的次生災害,銀行危機,貨幣危機,其影響將不亞於過去人類所見識過的所有經濟危機加在一起的總和!


Foxconn Denies Reuters Reports On Factory Restart In China


Foxconn denied a report that it plans to resume over half its production by the end of February, as the Covid-19 outbreak worsens.


The report via Reuters noted that 50% of Foxconn's production would come back online by the end of the month, and the aim for full production for next month. This sent Apple shares to near record highs this week; however, Foxconn ruined the party and said Reuters was incorrect about plant resumptions.


The statement by the world's largest contract electronics maker was published via the Taipei stock exchange on Thursday, and first cited by Reuters.


Foxconn is Apple's main iPhone assembler in China and offered no timetable of when its factories would reopen.


Foxconn received the go-ahead to reopen some plants in China this week. However, only about 10% of its workforce had returned to several plants in southern Shenzhen and central Zhengzhou on Monday.



Apple has also extended the shutdown of its retail stores across the country. Stores were supposed to open earlier this week but have now delayed until February 15.


TrendForce Corp. said Apple could see a 10% decline in iPhone sales in 1Q, from 45.5 million to about 41 million units, due mostly because of factory shutdowns tied to the virus outbreak.

TrendForce Corp.表示,蘋果第一季度iPhone銷量可能會下降10%,從4550萬臺降至約4100萬臺,這主要是由於與病毒爆發導致工廠停工。

We've noted, in the last several weeks, that if Foxconn factories cannot resume production by early February and have full production by the end of the month, shortages would develop for Apple iPhones and AirPods.


The one sector with the most exposure to Greater China and the Asia Pacific is also the sector that has outperformed the most in recent months: Tech. This means that supply chain disruptions are about to cause one of the most significant shocks since the financial crisis.


This won't end well for Apple if shipments are delayed and sales plunge. But, then again, the company has billions of dollars in stock buybacks that it can use to levivtate price.

