The American Gold Rush By: Jake Keenan & Ray Ray Wileczek

People came to the gold rush for freedom , to find gold and adventure
The gold rush took place in mostly California and nevada

The were some dangers of mining like cleanliness and and disease.

Many people went to the gold rushe in seek of money and adventure.

The gold rush took place in 1848-1855 and it was most popular 1852

The first peice of gold was found in Sacramento valley, California this sparked the Gold rush in California.

People rarely found gold, which led to a very high suicide rate.

The miners would go to rivers and in the rivers they would pan for gold. Panning is using a meshed like bowl so only things that are bigger then the hole will stay in the pan.

These are people panning for gold


Created with images by Scott Hudson * - "Simplicity" • kasabubu - "death valley mojave desert california" • C2GlobalSales - "las vegas sign las vegas sign" • Cooperweb - "Money" • TimShoesUntied - "Door detail" • BLMOregon - "Explore Oregon Recreation: Sharps Creek Recreation Site"

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