The History of fantasy sports Makenzie Kinter

Wilfred "Bill" Winkenbach

Who is credited with starting fantasy sports? Wilfred "Bill" Winkenbach , a businessman and limited partner with the Oakland Raiders, came up with the idea of fantasy football after having devised and played other fantasy games, including golf and baseball in the 1950s. Fantasy Sports Publications labeled him “the single most innovative force in the history of Fantasy sports.”

So what is Rotisserie League Baseball? Rotisserie Baseball, better known as Fantasy Baseball was invented in the early 1980's by a group of guys who love Major League Baseball. Their goal was to find a way, through the use of player statistics, to emulate Major League Baseball. They also wanted to prove that their vast knowledge about major league baseball players and their capabilities was well beyond that of their peers. Thousands of Rotisserie players nationwide have been trying to prove just that fact every year.

What part have sports journalists played in the growth of fantasy sports? Sports journalists have has a huge influence on the recent growth of fantasy sports over the past years. Sports journalists have encouraged the growth of fantasy sports by creating YouTube tutorials, web articles, news broadcasts, and other sources of information.

When did fantasy football begin to emerge in the market? The inaugural league was called the GOPPPL (Greater Oakland Professional Pigskin Prognosticators League), and the first draft took place in the rumpus room of Winkenbach's home in Oakland, California in August 1963. The league consisted of eight members, made up of administrative affiliates of the AFL, pro football journalists, or someone who had purchased or sold 10 season tickets for the Raiders’ 1963 season.

How much is fantasy sports worth today? The fantasy sports industry has become a mere multi-billion dollar industry. In the U.S. and Canada, the average player spends $465 a year on fantasy sports, estimating a total of 26 million dollars in total. There are 1 million paid active players on the site FanDuel; the site made $622 million dollars in entry fees in 2014. Forbes predicts a 41% annual growth in the fantasy sport industry. By 2020, player's entry fees are expected to generate $14.4 billion.

What's the issue with fantasy sports? Wagering on fantasy sports is a form of gambling and researchers have found that fantasy sports participants are more likely to gamble on sports than non-fantasy participants.

Why do some groups want to ban fantasy sports sites? Groups want to ban fantasy sports sites such as FanDuel and DraftKings, for constituting illegal gambling. It is stated that both schemes “intended to evade the law and fleece sports fans across the country.”

How has the Internet expanded the popularity of fantasy sports? The Internet gives sport fans virtual access to sport in real time and on demand and allows them to create personal, specific methods of interaction.

What is FSTA? What interest do they represent? FSTA stands for the Fantasy Sports Trade Association. The group represents the fantasy sports industry, listing over 200 member companies on its web site as of June 2015.

What problems have occurred with the fast growth of fantasy sports? The fast growth of fantasy sports has caused many issues. The main problem is the dilemma of illegal online gambling. People are putting their money into fantasy sports, and not understanding the small chance of them winning.

How would you explain the enthusiasm for fantasy sports? Fantasy sports fans are young and very enthusiastic. They watch the sports live, and add to the excitement of the game. Fantasy sports fans frequently watch multiple games because their players are on different teams.

What is the ethical dilemma presented by online fantasy sports sites that require payment to participate? By paying online, the sites are teaching the younger audience that it is okay to gamble your money. The slim chances of winning make it an easy way to loose money. Plus! Employees of the sites have better chances of winning.

How has media been impacted by fantasy sports?It used to be that NFL fans mostly paid attention to local games, tuning into big, nationally broadcast games now and then. Now every game -- even those involving last place teams thousands of miles away -- can be crucial to a fans' fantasy team. The upshot: people are watching a lot more football, making those out-of-town games more valuable to the league than ever. A year ago the league renewed its exclusive contract with DirecTV to show those out-of-market games, for an average of $1.5 billion a year. That's $500 million a year more than the previous contract. The league also started NFL RedZone, a premium cable channel with highlights and up-to-the-minute fantasy stats. Stadiums now list fantasy stats of other games on their scoreboards so fans can follow along. And teams are upgrading wireless and wifi coverage in stadiums to help fans stay up-to-the-minute.

How have athletes and teams been impacted by fantasy sports? Atheletes and teams receive a lot of stress because they are aware of the fantasy sports players betting their money on how they play. With that stress, atheletes are pused to work harder in games and practices.

What future trends do you see for the industry? I believe that the industry is going to keep growing. I think that there will be more gambling websites that support fantasy sports.

Who is the target market for fantasy sports? Who typically plays/participates? Fantasy sports target audience is 18-40 year old males.


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