Hootsuite Roderick Johnson

History - founded in 2008 by Ryan Holmes. He saw a need for to make the social media experience easier for businesses. The technology was originally released under the name BrightKit and was designed to help individuals manage multiple Twitter accounts at once. The name was changed to HootSuite in 2009. The company added Facebook and LinkedIn in 2010 and also hit its first million users. In 2011, HootSuite hit 2 million users and was responsible for 500,000,000 messages sent over 4,000,000 social media accounts. The company also bought out TwapperKeeper and Geotoko in 2011. In 2014, the name was updated to Hootsuite, they passed 10 million users and bought out the company Zeetl. Today, Hootsuite is worth over $1 billion (Thomas 2015).

CEO Ryan Holmes

Benefits to society - Hootsuite has a variety of package options that allow single users and large corporations to manage multiple social media accounts from one platform. Users can schedule posts with their own content or content discovered by Hootsuite's features. It allows users to never miss comments or posts related to their brands, as well as, assign messages and social media accounts to certain team members. It provides added security and analytics to track business growth and success. This is a one stop shop for businesses, publicists, business owners and anyone using social media to grow their business. Businesses can interact with their customs across social media from one program and customers can feel heard and included in their favorite brands (Hootsuite).

Hootsuite Dashboard

"Images and photos dramatically increase engagement by humanizing social media content" - Hootsuite Chief Marketing Officer Penny Wilson on Hootsuite Enhance

"To ensure [your kickstarter's] content campaign goes off without a hitch, you can use platforms such as Hootsuite to schedule your content, posts, etc. all ahead of time. This means you can focus on promoting the campaign and not figuring out what you need to post and tweet each day" - Business.com's George Beal on 5 Ways to Launch a Successful Kickstarter

"41 Percent of Americans say it's important that the organizations they engage with have a strong social media presence" - Harris Poll

  1. Beall, G. "5 Ways to Launch a Successful Kickstarter." Business.com. Retrieved from http://www.business.com/starting-a-business/george-beall-start-a-kickstarter/
  2. Hootsuite. (2016). Retrieved from http://signup.hootsuite.com/pro-ent-na-english-r9/?&mkwid=sDAsRitua_dc&pcrid=50112989254&pkw=hootsuite&pmt=e&Last_Associated_Campaign__c=701a0000002JYXR&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hootsuite_pro_google_search_usa_english_branded_alpha&gclid=Cj0KEQiA7K7CBRCrwt26v5uHs98BEiQA0JzsZ5TmcfnY7q0ABlb_nRIT41p3xg5kFvkbYo0nSHvK-l0aAv5Z8P8HAQ
  3. Nalawade, S. (2016). "Hootsuite Launches a Photo-Based Mobile App Called Hootsuite Enhance." Martech Advisor. Retrieved from http://www.martechadvisor.com/news/social-media/hootsuite-launches-a-photobased-mobile-app-called-hootsuite-enhance/#
  4. Thomas, K. (2015). "A Brief History of Hootsuite." Techvibes. Retrieved from https://techvibes.com/2015/08/26/a-brief-history-of-hootsuite-2015-08-26
  5. Whitney, D. (2016). "Hootsuite Survey Highlights Importance of Social Media Across the Customer Journey." Marketwired. Retrieved from http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/hootsuite-survey-highlights-importance-of-social-media-across-the-customer-journey-2179614.htm


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